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Mr Incredible

Still remember Mr. Incredible? I stand side by side to take photo with him. Tells you, he is taller and has bigger size than me! His size is 78” X 42” X 12” and weight is 40kg. He has the abundant muscular, standing tall with great dignity; all these made me recalling his expression while he was rescuing his wife Ms. Elastigirl, sons Dash & Jack-Jack and daughter Violet. If you are toy collector, it is valuable to add him into your collection due to he is the ONLY ONE unit in the world; if you are a boss of restaurant/shop/hotel, you could place him right in front of your restaurant/shop/hotel to attract more customers/visitors; if you own a cartoon’s club house, amusement park or tourist attraction such like Disneyland, he could be a model to let customers/tourists/visitors to take photo with. Wish to buy it now? Please do not hesitate to contact me (siewkee20898@hotmail.com). Although there are some scratches on his body but it is inconspicuous. To emphasize, he is the ONLY ONE unit in the world, please do not miss it! Payment is cash in advance before delivery. Selling price is excluded packaging and shipping fee (packaging and shipping fee will be base on your area/location). Thanks for your interest!

还记得Mr. Incredible吗?现在我正与他肩并肩地拍着照片,告诉你,它还比我高呢!它有雄厚的胸肌,亭亭玉立,威风凛凛,真让我想起它救太太Ms. Elastigirl, 儿子Dash 和Jack-Jack 与女儿Violet的那副神情与安全感。若你是玩具收藏家,这可是物有所值了,因为它是世界上唯一的一个,将它加入你的战利品行列吧;若你有餐馆,饭店或酒店,你可以将它摆设在你的店前招来更多顾客与人气,这将让你的店带来更多销售量和提高生意额;若你拥有卡通俱乐部,游乐场或旅游胜地如Disneyland,那也可以将它让你的顾客合照。很想拥有它吧!请跟我联系吧(siewkee20898@hotmail.com)。虽然有少少擦损, 但请放心那些擦损并不起眼的。它可是全世界唯一的一个,可别错失良机喔!它的身高有78”,宽度有42”和阔度有12”。重量是40公斤。当你成功地付款后,我们将立即把它寄到府上。销售价不包括船运及包装费(船运及包装费,将根据你的地区而定)